Friday, September 25, 2009

Stupid Customer Tip #2

So, you have caught your son misbehaving. Maybe he killed an animal, looked at porn, his room is messy, or he has bad grades or something. Whatever. Has done something that requires you to swiftly and harsly punish him. You then suddenly remember that he has a computer in his room, and you can punish him by taking away his access to the internet.

If you switch the breaker on your son's room so he can't use his computer, but the modem and wireless router are also in his room, you won't be able to get online on your computer either because there is no power to these devices. Don't call your Internet Service Provider (or ISP) saying that their service is horrible, because you are just being too stupid to realize that you are an idiot.

This equipment shouldn't be in his room anyway.

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